Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Real is REALity TV?

Reality TV is one of the most popular types of TV in America.  There's all sorts of shows that are game type shows like American Idol and Road Rules and Deal Or No Deal.  Then you have the shows that just throw strangers into a house and let them live together like Real World and Jersey Shore.  Then you have the shows that are Celebrities that are in "reality" like Celebrity Fit Club, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and Dancing with the Stars.  
Personally I watch reality shows just because they are entertaining and hilarious.  My favorite is Jersey Shore.  I just think that it's hysterical because of all the drama and funny stuff that happens on the show.  I don't think that it's that great for a child to watch because there's a lot of sex and partying.  I was watching the Maury show the other day and on it was a 14 year old girl and her mom thought that she needs help because she is a sex addict and Maury asked her who her role model is and she said Snooky.  Now, generally the role models in peoples lives are athletes and older siblings but we have gotten to the point where children watch these shows and think that it's okay to act like that.  The only reason it's okay for them is because they're good TV.  I would never let my child watch something like that.  It's not good for their mold-able minds.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't really even think of what aspects of Snookie's personality would be appropriate as a role model. What about her would even call a person to want to follow her example? I'm stumped.
