Thursday, December 16, 2010

Patience is a Vertue

One major thing that our society is lacking nowadays is patience.  We want everything NOW NOW NOW and don't care how we get it as long as we don't have to wait for it. We want fast results, fast food, fast cars, to get on the fast track to success, we want a fast pass at amusement parks, high speed internet, faster downloads, everything NOW.  It is a problem with America because the more impatient we get, the more stressed we get and the more frustrated we get.  If we don't take the time to do something right the first time then in the end it's still just wasting our time.  Our country has one of the highest stress rates in the world because we are always on a time crunch.  Someone above us is always wanting something done fast and efficient.  Time is money.  Due to the high stress rates we also have anxiety and insomnia.  How are you supposed to sleep when all you can think about is getting something done fast?  You don't.  Chronic stress also is one of the leading causes of a heart attack.  When you are stressed you have adrenaline that kicks in that is going to be making your heart pump faster and faster, causing your heart to be over worked and your pupils to be constantly dilated and the bronchial of your lungs to be open all the time. This is something that I think can be fixed but it's not going to happen over-night and probably not with my generation because we are so used to having things fast.  It could happen with the next generation though.  We need to stop trying to be so efficient and focus on what we are trying to do. 

1 comment:

  1. How can the next generation be more patient when their parents' generation is so impatient? Wouldn't the kids naturally follow the example set by their parents?
