Thursday, September 30, 2010

Marilyn Monroe vs Pamela Anderson

Pamela Andersen and Marilyn Monroe are both defined as being physically attractive. But there are different kinds of "attractive"..Monroe is the classy "girl next door" beautiful and Andersen is that tough trashy attractive. Andersen I think comes off that way because of how big her physical assets are and how much make-up she uses and the way she presents herself. Monroe is the type of girl that you would like to take home to your mother.

As a society, I don't think that we truely understand what beauty is. What defines a women as beautiful. We are so obsessed with the physical aspect of beauty, but it's much more than that. Beauty is outer AND inner appearance. But thanks to the media, being truely beautiful without make up or cosmetic surgery has become a nearly impossible task. What we need to all understand as a society is that our imperfections, our differences are what makes us all different. What makes us beautiful.

We need to stop judging ourselves and look in the mirror and realize what it is that makes us beautiful.


  1. I really like your ideas. I 100% agree with you that beauty isn't just about the outside. That's why I think online dating sites are somewhat beneficial. Yes, we judge based on looks when we're browsing the sites, but the real goal of these sites is to get to know each other. Even if we just talk to them as friends at first, it's allowing us to build these relationships based on the person, not what they look like. In fact, my aunt met someone online (they aren't still together unfortunately). He was not physically her type at all, but they started talking and she realized that he was an amazing person and then set up a date with him without regard to her idea of what her type was. I love stories like this.

  2. Is Marilyn Monroe really so wholesome? She did pose for Playbody, married three times, and died of a drug overdose after years of abusing prescription medication.
